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rainbow of color from the yellow-white crescent of
the sun over the hillside, orange and pink, lavender,
blue darkening to the color of Jaysen s eyes far above
her head.
He set her at the rail, facing outward to the glory
he brought to her world. The view took her breath
away. While she would never be able to walk the
midday sun, the ability to tolerate the muted radiance
of the dawn and dusk, like the ability for her to sense
auras and the melding of her magic with Jaysen s,
were gifts of the mating.
Jaysen s breath warmed her shoulder, and she
spread her legs, fisting the rail, knowing intimately
what he intended. He covered her hands with his
own, pulling her earlobe into his mouth and nipping
at it. Nectar overflowed her sheath, teasing her as it
caught tendrils of the cooling air.
I hunger, he grumbled.
Brenna Lyons
As do I. It was said a blood mated pair hungered
for each other endlessly. Feed.
His cock slid home, laying claim to her in the dying
rays of daylight. I will feed from you. Then I will
feed you. He thrust slowly, drawing out her pleasure
painfully. Is it true that my essence will now be the
elixir to you that yours is to me?
Her head spun at the thought of it. So they say. I
would like to know.
And so we shall. His teeth sank into her, forcing
her to a blinding climax that he followed with a
He held to her in the aftermath, his lips pressed to
her throat, panting hard.
Jaysen? she questioned him.
I hunger.
Aftershocks wracked her. Take me to the mineral
pool and feed me your nectar. Hunger should never
be wasted.
About the Author
renna Lyons lives in Haverhill, MA with her
husband, three children, and a zoo of pets. She was
born and raised in the Hazelwood/Glenwood area of
Pittsburgh, PA and toured the east coast as a Navy
wife for thirteen years, nine of them in VA Beach,
where she wrote her first novel.
She enjoys the Society for Creative Anachronism
and is a member of such groups as Broad Universe,
Brenna holds a BS in Accounting and a Certificate
of Computer Programming. Why? An auditing
teacher commented that she would either "make the
perfect auditor or the perfect thief," and she had been
writing for eleven years with little professional
training in effect, a thief of attention by
Never one to pass up a challenge, Brenna has
worked as an auditor, tracking down fraud suspects,
finding the backdoors into exchange computer
systems, creating accounting programs for
government and small businesses, and as a writer.
Overall, it's the best of both worlds.
Brenna enjoys talking to readers and can be
reached via her site at http://www.brennalyons.com
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