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 You re already dead to me.
His eyes widened. She saw him realize the truth. She saw him realize that she was going to kill him.
 Will be next.
Silk leaned over to pick up Miilos laser.
And almost lost her hand when a blast from another source caused a crater in the floor where the laser
had been.
 No one to watch your back?
Silk turned toward the voice, knowing who she would find. Miilos hadn t been gasping out a final
confession. He d been begging for help from his new master.
Ronin D Ja-nar stood in the doorway. He was a small man, deceptively non-descript. Brown wavy
hair and mild eyes. He wore a two-piece casual outfit called a jogging suit. The casual look was one he
cultivated. You had to know him to fear him.
Silk was afraid.
 Your friends are all dead. Killing Miilos won t bring them back.
 She wasn t going to kill me.
 I think perhaps I have a better view of the expression in her eyes from this angle, my friend.
Ronin motioned with the laser and Silk eased her foot off Miilos neck. She turned her body slowly
and flexed her empty hands at her sides. Ronin s eyes narrowed at the movement of her fingers.
Miilos got slowly to his feet.
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Barbara J. Hancock
There was no way out of the situation. Ronin knew how to use the weapon in his hands. Miilos would
recover quickly. Her only option was suicidal, but she had to take it.
 He s right. I was going to kill you. Silk said it calmly, but Miilos still winced as if he d been
slapped. Ronin had been right about her intentions, but he might be wrong about one thing.
There might still be time.
If her former lover and partner had known her better, he might have read her new intentions in her
eyes. Thankfully, he didn t.
Silk took a searing laser blast in the hip as she dropped, rolled and came up with her own borrowed
Mahberg from halfway across the room. Even borrowed, the familiar weapon seemed to jump into her
grasping fingers. She discharged it twice. Once into Ronin and again at the window of the office. The laser
wound was the least of her worries as the window glass erupted, showering down three stories to the
landscaping below. It was the least of her worries, because Silk threw herself out the jagged opening and
followed the glass down.
She didn t have time to feel a shard of glass rip into her right side as she brushed against the sides of
the broken window. She didn t have time to worry about the laser fire that connected once more with one
shoulder as she rolled to fall in the best way possible.
Thankfully, Kale s office didn t face the parking lot. Silk landed with her face to the sky, cushioned
by a row of hedges that scratched and poked painfully into her skin in dozens of places, but still managed to
save her life. She rolled off the ruined greenery and ran as if more than her life depended on it.
As if she might still have time to save the lives of others.
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Chapter Twenty-Two
It took too long to get back. But even if she could have been there instantly, by the time she d learned
of their plans it would have been too late.
There was a lot of blood.
No bodies, but a lot of blood. She thought it might have been better if she could have seen the bodies.
As it was, her mind kept trying to trick her. It kept trying to offer up the hope that this much blood didn t
mean that all her friends were dead. It didn t mean that Davis was dead. She walked quietly from room to
room, breathing in the metallic smell and forcing herself to face the truth.
They were all dead. Harry, Sol, Piper Jo& Davis Rule. Dead because of her.
By the looks of things, they had put up a fight. The bed where she had left Rule was overturned. It
took a lot to overturn a hospital bed of that size. The equipment that had kept Rule alive was smashed. She
wondered if he could breathe without it. Then she knew it didn t matter. There was blood on the bed. Blood
on the floor. He didn t need the machine anymore.
She knew without being told that a cleanup crew would come and scour the place until it sparkled.
She knew without a doubt that she had to make it to Las Vegas without being stopped.
Ronin couldn t be allowed to gain this kind of foothold on Earth. All his power and all his
connections would be unstoppable if he actually had a base of operations. His lack of roots had been their [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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