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ties of family then, wanted no one to be responsible for if I was going to stay ahead of my enemies.
My contact sent me the letter, informing me of how Michael was being used. I decided to come and
get him. Now, whether you stay here or come with me to take care of your father and to get
Michael, I still have to go and see the man. That s where I m going from here.
Kelly nodded.  Okay, well, let s go.
* * * *
The house where his contact lived was nice. Not just for Somana Two s standards, but anyone s.
The structure took up a good city block on its own, and while there weren t grounds and a gate
surrounding it, Kelly could imagine such extravagance if this were Earth. Instead, the walls were
constructed with bricks instead of the rough grey stone that other permanent buildings were made
of here. When they passed through the doorway into what Kelly had assumed was the foyer, she
found that they had entered a courtyard.
On both sides of the walkway leading up to another door were grass and flowers. When was the
last time she had seen grass? It had been years and trees. Somana Two didn t have trees. Oxygen
was pumped into the dome. On the outside, there were no birds, no sky, but in this courtyard, Kelly
picked up the tweet of birds, and thin but beautiful trees dotted the small space. The air was fresher,
and overhead was an artificial sky.
 Oh wow, this is amazing, she exclaimed, about to veer off the path to explore. Gabriel, less
than impressed, caught her arm and held her at his side. She scowled at him but didn t protest
because the silent man who had let them in was leading the way deeper into the house.
 You can explore later, Gabriel told her.  Right now, I need to talk with the owner of all this. I
have quite a few questions.
Kelly nodded.  So do I. Like what he does for a living.
They were shown into a room with couches and chairs, a coffee table, and a fireplace. Kelly
stared around open-mouthed. All her furniture had been obtained from the salvage ships, and even
with her magic, she hadn t been able to come up with designs this extravagant, this high quality.
After waiting for a good forty-five minutes, they both turned toward the door when it opened,
and instead of a man, as they had expected, a woman walked into the room wearing a pleasant smile.
Gabriel surged to his feet, and Kelly stood more slowly. The woman was, in a word, mesmerizing.
Kelly imagined she turned green with envy at the sight of the long blonde hair, the beautiful face,
and the body that could make a man drool just looking.
 Who are you? Gabriel demanded.  I was expecting Willie Jamieson.
The woman chuckled, and Kelly felt some relief at Gabriel s blindness to how sexy she was.
 Isn t it obvious, Gabriel? I am Willie. Wilhelmina, to be exact, but I always hated that name.
She waved a hand toward the couch.  Please sit down. I ll have Paul bring in something to drink.
Gabriel got right down to business.  Nothing for me. I want to know how you knew who I am
and where I was. I want to know more about who you are and not just your name.
Her tinkling laugh rang out.  Big bad wolf wants to know, huh? She tilted her head to the side
with a look that must have been studied to bring a man down to his knees. Kelly gritted her teeth.
When Willie leaned forward to place a hand on Gabriel s thigh, revealing a deep cleavage in the
process, Kelly growled.
 Oh! The hand was withdrawn. Willie swallowed, staring in fear at Kelly.
Gabriel stroked Kelly s cheek, and it was all she could do not to turn in to that touch and revel
in it. She kept her eyes on Willie, amazed at the urge to attack that had come over her a second
 Easy, Gabriel warned.  You d better keep your hands to yourself. She s brand new, and my
control is tenuous at best.
 Control! Kelly glared at him and slapped his hand away from her face. He didn t appear to be
fazed by her outburst.
Gabriel went on.  You re not wolf. I can tell that. So who are you? And no games. I ll know if
you re lying.
 I m just a concerned citizen, Willie admitted.  The fact is I ve accumulated a lot of wealth, and
what I want is to be head of The Agency.
 You ve got to be joking, Kelly interrupted.
Both Gabriel and Willie flicked glances her way before they continued to talk. Annoyance rode
her back. Gabriel wasn t telling all he had sensed. Kelly might be a new wolf, but she was an old [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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