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cock was hitting some buried trigger, intensifying Shane s excitement. It wasn t enough
to make him come or erase the intimidation of the act, but he could admit it felt good.
What felt extraordinary, however, was watching Gabriel, seeing him as what he
was. A man. The only man Shane had ever lusted after or loved; the only one he let get
close to him. If that wasn t magic, he didn t know what was.
Fuck me deep, he said, keeping the mean bark in his voice as he issued the order.
Gabriel obeyed, pushed in another inch.
That s it, Shane muttered. Keep going.
Does it hurt?
Does it hurt when I fuck you? Shane asked.
Yeah, but I like it.
Well it don t hurt. Just feels weird.
Gabriel licked his lips. I wanna make you feel good.
Shane palmed his own erection, the contact lighting him up, tensing his body
around Gabriel s cock. Fuck. More lube.
Gabriel slid out, soaked himself in another palmful of gel and squeezed back inside.
Shane winced through the initial sting, let his hand stroke as Gabriel drove in.
That s right, Shane murmured. He gave himself slow, tight pulls to match the
Jus wait til I m deep, Shane. You won know what fuckin hit you. Wait til you
come with my cock fuckin you. You gon think you went to heaven.
Shane watched his lover s body, those trim muscles and tattoos, tan skin and
gorgeous face, every inch of him strained with excitement. He could feel it happening
he could come from this. He would come from this. Before today that would have felt
like a defeat, a hunk of his dominance being ripped away. Now he craved it. He wanted
to be everything for this man.
Gabriel s eyes were glued on Shane s stroking hand. You re so big.
Yeah. And I m gonna come. Gonna come with your cock inside me, boy.
Gabriel was lost to a sound, a moan wrapped in a gasp.
Deeper, Shane ordered. Deep and fast, like I fuck you.
Gabriel s hands slid from Shane s thighs to his knees and pushed him open wider.
Shane felt his strength in that moment, something he forgot about when he was busy
being the dominant male in their twosome. Shane groaned as Gabriel forced himself so
deep his hips touched Shane s ass. Pain spiked then faded, replaced with filthy
excitement. Gabriel slid out, then back in to the hilt.
Good. Fuck me.
Wanna see you come, Gabriel said.
Cara McKenna
Do what I say and you will. Now fuck me. Shane tightened his fist around his
cock, sped its strokes to match Gabriel s hips.
God, Shane.
This how you fantasized it d be?
Better, Gabriel muttered. Never thought you d lemme see your face.
Shane never thought he d want to see Gabriel s face at this moment either, but here
they were, and his lover s wild expression was the thing that made this submission
possible for Shane.
Yeah. His eyes were glassy, face flushed. His gaze darted from Shane s face to his
ass, to Natalie, to Shane s cock. Can t believe I m inside you.
Yeah, you are. You re the only one who ll ever get this. You re the only one who
could ever make me want it.
So you do? You want it?
I want to watch you lose your mind, gettin this from me, Shane said. Yeah, I
wanna give this to you.
Come for me.
Shane stared at Gabriel s sweat-gleaming bare body in the warm light and knew he
could obey. He stroked himself fast and rough. God, fuck me. Fuck my ass.
That s right. Keep sayin it.
Without warning, he was there. He shut his eyes and gave in. It was unlike
anything he d ever felt, an orgasm that started deep and erupted hot and violent,
wrung him out to the sound of his name on his lover s breath. He felt the come hit his
stomach, then more. More than he ever knew he could give. He opened his eyes to find
Gabriel staring down at him, eyes wide, chest rising and falling fast.
You, Shane said.
Gabriel withdrew, slowly, leaving a sore ache in his absence. He surprised Shane by
stripping away the condom and lying down between him and Natalie, body turned to
Shane s.
Touch me, he mumbled.
Shane fisted Gabriel s cock, more swollen and stiff than he d ever felt it. Gabriel
interrupted him to collect Shane s come and slick it down his own length. Taking over
once more, Shane knew the man was close. He stroked him tight and listened to him
Kiss me, Shane ordered.
Gabriel brought his face close, tasted Shane s mouth with distracted sweeps of his
tongue. Shane grasped Gabriel s jaw with his free hand and kissed him back, deep and
dirty. He was flooded with relief and gratitude Gabriel could ve come as the
aggressor but he hadn t. He wanted what Shane was so natural at, taunting domination.
Shane spoke right into his mouth. Come on, Gabriel.
A deep groan warmed Shane s lips.
Think about how you fucked me tonight and come right here. He angled
Gabriel s cock so the head brushed Shane s stomach with each pull.
I fucked you, Gabriel muttered.
Yeah, you did. I m all yours now. Nobody else ll ever get that from me.
That did it. Gabriel surrendered to a body-racking shudder as his hips hammered
his dick into Shane s fist. Shane felt wet heat burst against his belly and knuckles and
slowed his pulls, coaxing every last warm drop.
As the high subsided, Shane remembered the restless body on Gabriel s other side.
A pang of guilt hit him and he wondered if Natalie felt left out& but she d dissolved for
Shane, at the height of this evening s explorations. It d just been him and Gabriel,
Natalie a near-invisible figment helping to orchestrate it. Shane propped himself on his
elbow and caught her eyes.
Cara McKenna
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