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Below them, some two feet below them, was the
ground they had all been sitting on mere minutes
It s not me.
Great. Well, it s safe to say the circle thing has
some validity to it.
Myra peered over her shoulder and noticed her
skirts hung to the floor but her legs felt like they
Catherine Bybee
were on solid ground.
How the hell is this happening? Tara slid a
look to Amber, whispered an apology for her
language, which was met with a shrug.
Undaunted, Amber closed her eyes and kept
going. Let us get back to what we were doing. Tis
not like we are hovering above the Keep, risking a
fall to our deaths.
That s a cheery thought.
She s right. Let s keep going.
I think we should all try and focus on one
person, and see if our thoughts become one, Tara
suggested, How about Todd?
Nay! Myra glanced at Amber. I don t think
that would be wise.
Oh, yeah, how about Fin?
How about Simon? Lizzy suggested.
Aye. Simon is safe. Amber s laugh brought a
smile to Myra s face. Her little sister was truly wise
beyond her years. Myra glanced at Lizzy and Tara.
Come now, I have eyes. I may be young, but I m
not dense. Amber s head shook in a mock of Simon s
I m not stupid expression.
Liz shook her head, I ll have to remember that.
Myra closed her eyes and felt their energy focus
on Simon. There wasn t any other way to describe it.
Amber started to giggle.
Myra saw the image of Simon in a bath when he
couldn t have been more than two. He splashed with
a red plastic toy and squealed every time it went
under water.
I remember that, Tara said. Is that Elmo?
Yes. He was so adorable. Remember how he
threw that toy at Dad?
I do.
Dad never laughed, not once. Lizzy s somber
emotion welled within Myra. The pain of an
unaccepting father broke her heart.
Silent Vows
Quickly, the baby pictures changed and the
nightmare of Simon s abduction flashed into Myra s
mind. Fear, desperation, and hate welled within her.
She heard Grainna s voice rake over her soul.
The anxiety of a mother unable to help her child
filled her with dread.
Oh, God. Tara gasped in panic. From the
thickness of emotion, she knew every one of them
swelled with a frantic need to flee.
Myra s pulse quickened when a blond man took
a knife to Simon s neck.
A quiet sob escaped Liz. Oh, no.
Enough. Myra swiftly opened her eyes.
Enough. Tis done.
I m so sorry, Lizzy. Tara had tears in her eyes.
It s okay, he s safe now.
I didn t want to bring back all that pain.
They floated, unmoving for a moment.
It worked.
Myra squared her shoulders. It did.
Should we try it again?
Not now, Lizzy appeared weary to the bone.
Not today.
Myra attempted to lighten the mood. Any idea
how we get down? she asked.
A knock on the door resulted in Amber removing
her hands from the others, and with it whatever
levitated them disappeared.
With a thud, and more than one bruised butt,
each of them fell to the floor.
Mom? Are you in there? Simon yelled and
knocked again.
Just a second.
Lizzy scrambled to blow out the candles. Quick,
put them away, she ordered.
Hey? Simon let himself in the room. Did you
need me or something?
Liz glanced behind her, at Myra and the others
Catherine Bybee
in the room. Why do you ask?
I heard you calling me. It sounded important.
I didn t call you, Simon.
Yeah you did. He pointed to his head. In
Tossing in his sleep, Todd woke with an
excruciating erection and a fast-beating heart.
Damn, not again.
Frustrated, and unable to get back to sleep, he
tossed his blankets off and pulled on his pants.
The fire in the hearth had dwindled to nothing
more than coals and the room chilled at the edges.
He found it amazing how quickly he adapted to life
in these times.
He reflected on how Myra acted with every new
experience in his world, how awestruck she had been
with a simple hamburger. He remembered how big
her eyes got when he drove her in his Mustang and
her laughter when the waves from the ocean crashed
over her toes.
Damn. He tugged on a shirt and left the room
in search of a drink.
Like a teenager sneaking booze from the liquor
cabinet, Todd felt a pang of guilt over splashing
some of Ian s stash into a glass. Lucky for him, the
feeling didn t last long. It was his damn daughter
who caused his anguish.
And Ian s damn rules.
The flicker of light caught him by surprise when
he left Ian s study. Everyone was asleep, or so he
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