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here. Nobody's going to respect you if you don't respect yourself, least of all a pretty girl like Lissa here.
And if you can't mend the rips in that cloak, just fold it up and leave it. I'll take it when I leave. And I
expect to be paid a fair sum for fixing it, understand?"
He nodded dumbly. Some of the others laughed, but Florence had already moved on to a young boy.
Blondie barked an order, and the boy drew his sword.
"Give me that." Florence snatched the sword by the blade and plucked it from his hands. "Did he give
you this bit of scrap?"
"Yes, ma'am."
She ran a thumb down the blade. "The handle's loose, the balance is horrendous, and it hasn't been
properly sharpened since before you were born. A sword like this is a greater danger to you than to your
opponent, understand?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"Good. Now, you demand a real sword from this cheapskate, and if he doesn't give you one, you march
right back home to your mama. Otherwise you'll be dead before you're old enough to shave."
Before she could start in on the next bandit, Blondie grabbed her shoulder and pushed her to the ground.
The cold earth was hard as brick.
"What's wrong with you?" snapped Florence, once she caught her breath. "Sneaking up on an old
woman. Didn't your parents teach you any manners?" Grumbles of agreement spread around the circle.
"Quiet," yelled Blondie. "I'm not going to fight you, but I won't have you talking to my men like that."
"I'm taking Jacob," Florence said, her voice firm. She heard Lissa shifting nervously.
Blondie started to laugh, great gut-wrenching guffaws that echoed through the woods. "I like you.
You've got more spunk than any woman I've met, and if you were a century younger . . ." He shook his
"If I was that young, I'd take your head to the Viscount as a trophy."
Blondie was still chuckling. "A shame you're no longer young." He raised his voice. "Kill her."
A few of the bandits actually rose. Florence crossed her arms, and they stopped with their weapons
half-drawn. "For shame. Next thing you know, you'll be robbing babies. Sit down, all of you."
Nobody spoke. A hawk shrieked in the distance, sounding like laughter. Slowly, the bandits sat.
Florence turned back to Blondie. "You should find another career. You're too dumb to lead bandits.
You should have killed me the second I challenged you. Now it's too late."
"Is that so?" he sneered. His hand went to his sword, and then he jumped in surprise. He touched his
neck, where a slender black dart protruded from the skin.
"It's so," Florence said.
His lips pulled back, and he drew his sword. The first blow shattered her staff and spun her to the
ground. His second swing never connected.
Lissa leapt over Florence's body, and her foot crunched into Blondie's chest. He flew backward,
dropping his sword. Lissa grabbed the sword and brought it into a guard position.
Behind her, Blondie staggered to his feet and drew a curved knife. He took one step, then stopped as
the jagged end of Florence's staff poked his stomach.
He sneered and snatched the staff. Florence smashed the other half of the broken weapon against his
knuckles, and he fell back, howling. His yells faded as the toxins in the dart took effect, and he collapsed
into the snow.
Florence rolled over and looked at the trees, where Grace was putting another dart into a slender black
"About time you got here!" Florence yelled.
Millie looked sheepish. Grace simply glared and said, "The next one who threatens my mother gets a
dart in the eye."
* * *
Jacob was unharmed, if embarrassed. Florence spent ten minutes chewing him out for being so careless
as to let a pair of bandits get the jump on him. Then she gave him a hug and a quick kiss and sent him to
round up the bandits' horses.
As for the bandits themselves . . . Florence glanced around. More than half had chosen to accompany
them back to town. Some clearly didn't want to be around when Blondie woke up. Others were afraid of
what would happen when the Guard arrived.
"What will you do from here?" Lissa asked.
"You mean what willJacobdo?" Millie piped up.
Lissa flushed and brushed her hair back from her eyes. Florence only smiled. Anyone could see the way
those two had been eying each other. She already had a bet with Millie as to how long it would take
Lissa to drag the boy into bed. She leaned toward Lissa. "It turns out Jacob's been talking about joining
the Guard. The daft boy has never touched a sword in his life."
"If he's never touched a sword, why would he want to "
Florence gave her a pointed look, and her blush darkened.
"Oh. Well, I could . . . um. I can keep an eye on him. If it would make Grace feel better, I mean."
Millie chuckled. "I'm sure she'd feel much better, knowing you were there to help him master his sword." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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