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Ignoring the pain in his leg as best he could, Jack hauled Barlowe to his
feet had to hand it to the guy, he was one tough, determined son of a
bitch and faced him toward Kenny's sounds. As he held him up he wriggled his
hand under the merc's right arm, searching for the Tec-9's grip.
Kenny arrived with his own Tec blazing, and Jack felt the jolting impact of
the slugs tearing into Barlowe.
"Oh, Christ!" Kenny wailed as the shooting stopped. "Barlowe, what ?"
Jack couldn't see Kenny, but he could imagine his expression. Jack's questing
finger found the trigger of Barlowe's Tec then, and he pulled it. He had no
idea where he was aiming, he simply started firing blind and wild, and hoped
the clip wouldn't run out.
He chanced a peek over Barlowe's shoulder and saw Kenny stumbling backward,
arms and eyes wide, his chest a bloody ruin.
Jack released Barlowe and his Tec, letting him fall forward. Both mercs hit
the ground about the same time.
And then Jack sagged against the big tree, clutching his bloody thigh. It
hurt like hell every time he moved his leg.
Page 265
ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
Just what I need, he thought.
But at least he was no longer the only unarmed man on the hill.
The gunfire had stopped.
"Well," Baker said, "that's it for your boyfriend."
He leaned against the desk, his pistol still in his hand.
"You don't know that," Alicia said.
She could not imagine Jack dead. He seemed too resourceful to be dead. But
then, she'd only seen him playing his tricks. She'd never seen him in a
gunfight. And no matter how good he was, how could he overcome two men armed
with automatic weapons?
"I do know that," Baker said. "All that shooting can mean only one thing:
They cornered him and had some fun with him. Probably shot up his legs first,
then started moving around the rest of his body. By the time they were
through, he was probably begging them to kill him."
Fearing she might vomit, Alicia turned away. Jack Just Jack dead. Add one
more to the list of men dead because of her. She'd involved him in this. He'd
come willingly, but still, if she'd just let it go, let Thomas have the damn
house, they'd all be alive, and she wouldn't be trapped in the woods with
these human monsters.
She heard a loud, celebratory whoop from somewhere outside the cabin.
Baker straightened and crossed the room, grinning.
"That's Kenny. He's a noisy son of a bitch."
Another whoop.
Baker stepped outside and stood with hands on hips, staring toward the tree
Jack trained Barlowe's Tec-9 on the cabin door and let out a whoop, hoping he
sounded enough like Kenny to draw Baker out.
He leaned against a tree trunk to take the weight off his left leg. The trees
were smaller here and didn't provide much cover. Hopefully he wouldn't need
Off to his right, Yoshio's body was a pale blotch among the weeds.
His leg throbbed and burned. He'd cinched the shoulder strap from the Tec
above the wound, and that had slowed the bleeding, but it did nothing for the
He whooped again.
Page 266
ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
Come on, Baker. Show your ugly face.
If he'd had a pistol, he'd have been sneaking up on the cabin now. But with
only this Tec, no way he could risk charging inside and shooting. Not with
Alicia in there. These damn things were too inaccurate. No telling who he'd
hit once he pulled the trigger.
And if he'd taken the time to limp to the car for the 9mm he'd stashed there,
Baker would have figured something was wrong and be ready for him.
So it had to be this way. He only wished he was closer. Marksmanship had
never been his strong point, and with a Tec-9 at this distance he'd have to
rely far more on luck than skill.
Just then Baker stepped out into the open, looking around for Kenny. Jack
pulled the Tec's trigger and emptied the magazine at him.
The corner of the door above and to the right of Baker's head dissolved into
a cloud of splinters, and Baker dove headfirst back into the cabin.
Furious, Jack smashed the empty Tec against the tree and hurled it into the
woods. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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