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don't get off at Prince Rupert. In a couple of hours Ill have my instructions.
softened a bit, realizing how harsh he was sounding. Look, itll be all right.
wont abandon you or lock you away or anything. It's just that well, there are
things I can't discuss right now until I get word from my own people. As soon
as I know, Ill tell you O.K.?
Dory frowned. "Im not sure I like being the property of the U.S.
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government," she said with a trace of annoy-ance. Im not even a citizen.
" '
Right now you are both non-persons, he pointed out. You, Ms. Tomlinson, "
can hardly go home and pick up where you left off. Youre a thirteen-year-old
Indian. And you, Gonser whatll you do? You can t
be her, body or not, but you can't just go off and be somebody else,
either, because the person you appear to be legally ex-ists. Please just
trust me for a few hours. I'm not the enemy.
I looked at Dory and she at me and we gave almost simultaneous sighs and
shrugs. Parch was right we were stuck, at least temporarily.
All right well play it your way for now, Dory said. I assume, though, that
your government is now picking up the tab?"
He grinned. "Expense account. Youre welcome to these two cabins, of
course, and if you need any money just ask one of the boys."
There was a knock at the door. He opened it, said a few words, then turned
back to us. "We're coming in to Prince Rupert, he told us. Im going to be
" '
for a while. Stay here or walk around all you want. Well talk when I'm
And, with that, he was gone. For the first time since the switch we were
Dory got off the bed and stood facing me. She turned up her nose a little and
looked around. "Everything's so much higher all of a sudden."
I nodded. I know what you mean. Oh, hell, Dory, I feel so guilty about all
this. Ive mucked up your life like they mucked up mine."
She smiled up at me. "Look, thats going to get us nowhere. We're stuck and
that's that. I thought about it just now in the way Parch said its a war. That
woman was going to shoot you, maybe both of us. In a way we were lucky, I
guess. Maybe one day they can put things back again at least for me.
Until then lets ac-cept the fact that were innocent victims and go on from
there. She
paused a moment, looking at me with a somewhat critical eye. In the meantime,
maybe I can make a real woman out of you.
I laughed in spite of myself. "What on earth do you mean?
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The way youre standing. The way you walk. I put a lot of work into building
that body and I'm going to see that its taken care of and treated right while
not in it. In the meantime, lets go get something to eat.
I just stared at her, openmouthed. She was some kind of woman, I decided anew.
I envied her confidence and resilience. She opened the door and saw the guard
stand-ing there. "Hey! We're going to eat, she told him. "Parch said to tap
you for the money."
The man stared a little, a bit put off by this tiny girl giving him orders,
but he took out his wallet and gave her a bill. She looked at it, then said,
"Uh uh. More.
None of that cafeteria crap. Were going to the main dining room.
We talked mostly about inconsequential things through the meal, a very good
one in the big, fancy dining room wit