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and gave it a shot. Sure enough, the panels were sliding doors. I opened them all the way to reveal rows
of gym locker style baskets. All were empty.
All except one with a stamped metal tag: Number 15.
I swear, I almost cried, I was so relieved.  What is it? I asked. There was definitely something in the
basket, but in the minimal lighting, I couldn t really tell what.
Stryker reached in and tugged out a denim jacket.
I gave a startled little gasp.  Holy shit, I said.  That s my jacket! My missing D&G jacket that had
been a total splurge.  I thought it was gone forever. I snagged it out of his hands and put it on, relishing
the familiar comfort of the soft denim.
 When did you lose it? Stryker asked.
 Months ago, I said.  I d worn it on a date with Todd, and  I closed my mouth, suddenly realizing
that I hadn t lost it at all. It had been stolen. And that meant that someone had been planning and
watching me for months, too. As if I weren t already creeped out enough& .
 Think about that later, Stryker said. He was studying my face, and I could tell he knew exactly where
my thoughts had gone.  Right now, we re only concerned with the antidote.
He was absolutely right, and as I nodded, I patted myself down. Sure enough, I felt something small and
hard in the jacket s left breast pocket. The pocket was closed with a metal snap, and I pried it open,
then pulled out an ornate vial of liquid. Stryker shone the beam onto the vial, which, I realized, was really
a small bottle of Very Irresistible Givenchy perfume. The distinctively beautiful graduated pink bottle had
been defaced by someone printing DRINK ME along one flat surface in what they probably thought was
a hysterical bit of closure. I was not amused. The liquid itself was a watery reddish color. Not the least
bit appealing, and I eyed it with some trepidation.
 Mel. Stryker s voice was soft, but urgent.
 Right. Yes. A stopper had replaced the spray nozzle, and now I pulled it out, then lifted the vial to my
lips. I paused, my eyes meeting his.  You d do this if you were me, right? You d drink the stuff?
 Absolutely, he said, but there was a tiny bit of hesitation in his voice, and I wasn t consoled. He must
have read my mind, because his entire body seemed to sag.  Shit, Mel. What choice do you have?
 Bottoms up, I said. I drank the contents, then tucked the vial back into my pocket.
A split second later, my head seemed to explode with light and sound. I was dead. I knew it. This was
the absolute end.
I d made the wrong decision.
I d lost the game.
And, honestly, I was more pissed than scared.
Chapter 41
T he shot came from somewhere off to the left, and Stryker reacted immediately, grabbing Mel s arm
and pulling her down to the floor with him. She yelped, her hands over her face, and he wasn t sure if she
was terrified or confused. No time now for comfort, though. He pressed his palm to her back.  Don t
move, he whispered as he shrugged the laptop case off his shoulder and onto the floor. He was back up
almost immediately, still crouched behind the relative safety of the coat check counter.
The blast had echoed through the room, but Stryker didn t think they could count on anyone outside
having heard and coming to investigate. The bar was too well insulated and too far off the beaten path at
this time of night. No, they were on their own, and now he peered over the counter, his own gun at the
There. A tall figure melding into the shadows, moving slowly toward them. A quick movement as Lynx
fired again. Stryker hit the floor, but not before getting off a round of his own. Above him, the wood of
the counter splintered.  Go, he hissed to Mel, urging her to crawl along the length of the alcove and then
following her.
 Do you have a mirror? he whispered when they were a few feet away.
 My bag. She nodded back the way they d come. Stryker cursed softly, then moved slowly back to
retrieve it. He could have made do without a mirror, but he didn t want the bag found in the morning, a
glaring testament to their presence.
He brought it back, and she retrieved a small cosmetic mirror. He held it up so that it just peeked over
the bar. Lynx was still approaching with care, his body hidden now by an ornate wooden beam. Stryker
considered whether he could get off a good round but decided he couldn t. He d wait for a clear shot.
Lynx might not realize the alcove extended so far, which meant he d be expecting Mel and Stryker about
six feet from where they were currently crouched. A small advantage to be sure, but at the moment
Stryker would take whatever advantage he could get.
He angled the mirror again, this time scoping out the hall that ran perpendicular to the hallway Lynx was
currently moving down. Short and narrow, this hallway seemed to be primarily some sort of service
route. It hit a dead end a few feet away, but there were two doors, one just across from their alcove and
a few feet to their right.
Lynx was far enough along that he d be able to see them. But he might not be expecting them. If they
could get out and to that doorway&
They d have to risk it.
There was no hinged panel in this part of the counter, which meant the only way out was over.  I m going
to lift you, he whispered.  There s a hall, then a door. Right about there. He pointed in the general
direction.  I ll be right on your heels. Move fast and don t look back. Understand?
She nodded, her eyes wide but determined.
 It ll be okay, he said, hoping he wasn t making promises he couldn t keep.
She pressed a soft kiss to his lips.  For luck.
 Ready? He put his hands on her waist.  On three, he said, then counted down. On cue, she jumped,
and he pushed, hoisting her up to the countertop with ease. As she rolled over and down, he pushed up
and got off two covering shots, both coming at the same time Lynx s bullets hit the wall beside them.
One jump and Stryker was over as well. He rolled to the far side, getting off a shot as he did, then [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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