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shuffling. Something soothing both in its repetitive nature and in the way it sounded as I
took it through its motions. An idea struck me. Just as suddenly I ditched it. How was I
supposed to fit a guitar into my jacket pocket?
Realizing I couldn t put off this confession any longer, I put up my hands in mock
surrender. Okay, I admit I might have been keeping an eye on you. But I really had good
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intentions, I assured him as his entire face tightened in his version of an oh-boy-did-you-
ever-blow-it scowl. I didn t trust Zarsa and I wanted to make sure you were okay . . . I
let my voice trail off. It sounded so stupid when I said it out loud.
So, you followed me then as well?
I nodded. Just a little.
Jasmine, are you stalking me?
I closed my eyes. Why, oh why, was there never an alien abduction team around to whisk
you off to Neptune during these horribly embarrassing moments? Stalking is such a harsh
word, I said weakly, looking at Vayl s shoes since I couldn t bear raising my gaze any
What would you prefer to call it? he asked, his voice still hard. His fingers lifted my
chin, forcing me to meet his relentless stare. And that was all it took. My temper, rarely
long at rest, woke from its short nap, stretched like a hungry lioness, and immediately
riveted on my boss.
How about babysitting? I inquired, cringing only slightly when his eyes narrowed
dangerously. I mean, though you repeatedly told me how much my opinion meant to you,
and how much you trusted me, which was why you gave me Cirilai in the first place, you
wouldn t listen to a word I said. You just dogged Zarsa like some kid after a tasty treat.
Frankly, stalking you was turning into the least of my worries. I thought I was going to
have to kill her.
Vayl s hand dropped to his side. Would you have done that? he asked.
I couldn t tell from his expression what answer he wanted. So I gave him the truth. Yes.
Because Cassandra told me ethical Seers don t ask for any payment for their services,
other than maybe a good story for their Enkyklios. I already knew from Asha she was
misusing her powers. So yeah, if I couldn t have come up with any other way to pry her
claws out of you . . . Plus . . .
Dammit, Jaz, why can t you shut your mouth before you get yourself in trouble?
Nothing. I hoped he d let it go, but somehow he knew.
No, tell me.
Goddammit. And I would have killed her because I sensed that turning her would have
caused a big rift between you and me. Not a good enough reason for assassination by
itself, but paired with the first one, it worked for me. Even if I d have had to deal with the
guilt for the rest of my life.
Vayl took a step toward me. I licked my lips in anticipation. Then his phone rang. Which,
since we were both wearing our stealth specs, meant he just got this faraway look on his
face and started talking to invisible people.
What? he rapped. He listened for about five seconds, said, We will be right there. He
grabbed my hand, nothing romantic in that gesture, damn-it-all, and strode back toward
the house.
What s the deal? I asked.
That was Cole. He said we should come back right away. Soheil Anvari is there. He is
yelling like a madman. And he has a gun.
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Chapter Twenty-Four
We arrived at the house with less than half an hour until dawn. Not a comfy way to end
Vayl s day, especially considering the fact that Zarsa s hubby was waving an AK-47
around with his finger inside the trigger guard as he spoke. I scanned the living room to
see if he d already shot somebody accidentally, but everyone seemed to have all their
The entire crew was present. Jet, Bergman, and Natchez shared the couch. Cole stood
behind the love seat, on which sat Cassandra and Zarsa. Dave, Cam, and Amazon Grace
stood in front of the fireplace. All of Dave s people, plus Cole, carried some sort of
concealed weapon. And I could tell by the way Grace had her arm behind her back that
she held her firearm in-hand, though Soheil was too distracted to notice. They could take
him out any time if they were willing to take damage and make noise. But that might put
the kabosh on our mission. So while that possibility remained on the table, Vayl and I
hoped for a peaceful alternative.
There you are! cried Soheil, as we came through the door. He swung the gun on Vayl.
Now, wait a minute, I said, stepping between the gun and its target. Stupid, I realized
immediately. Those bullets wouldn t kill Vayl, but they d certainly do me in. Amazing
what places your instincts will take you. I stepped back to my original position. I think
we have a huge misunderstanding here, I said.
What makes you think I would listen to a woman? Soheil spat. I have been betrayed by
That is not so! Zarsa cried, jumping off her seat.
Sit down! roared Soheil. Zarsa dropped to her butt so fast you d have thought he
slapped her.
And that s when I really began to worry. Soheil, the adoring husband, seemed to be so far
beyond reason no one could reach him. I wasn t sure anyone would leave the room alive.
And the mahghul seemed to agree. They d begun to pour in through the windows Vayl
had broken. No one saw them but Vayl and me. I tried not to stare, but I kept seeing them
out the corners of my eyes, perching on a shoulder, crouching in a corner or on the lip of a
vase. A room full of ghouls just waiting for the violence to commence.
Vayl sent out a wave of power, just a brush of cool breeze that swept through the room,
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