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 If it s okay with him, it s fine with me. And that s how Bobby ended up dating
my friend Kent.
Chapter Four
During the course of the next week, because of the link between Tyler and
Bobby, Tyler s ability to practice was severely limited. I spent a lot of time doing some
very small, very cautious probing at Bobby s powers and his shield with the result that
my initial fears were confirmed. When I touched his shield in an attempt to infuse it
with a boost of my own power, instead of absorbing what I offered, his shield shrank, as
though cringing. Bobby s power took the opportunity to leap out and slap us down by
grabbing up any and all loose objects in the loft and flinging them around as though a
tornado had suddenly appeared in the room with us.
Fortunately, I was able to protect us with the marble shield I d taught Tyler
earlier in the week. It prevented any serious injury, but all three of us carried a few
bruises from being hit before my shield formed. Frankly, I was afraid to go any further.
Garnering this kind of result just from working with Bobby s shield, I didn t want to
think about what might happen if I actually attempted to tamper with his power. To do
so would endanger all of us and I wasn t willing to take that chance with either Tyler or
Another weekend was slipping up on us and late evening was approaching.
Bobby was out on his third date with Kent. The two of them had really hit it off. That
strange calming effect Kent had on Bobby s powers was still in force so we had no
reason to worry that anything strange would happen while they were together. It was
really nice being able to relax at home without wondering what might appear,
disappear, transform or just plain blow up. Don t make me go into details about the
Sunday morning jelly doughnuts that exploded. Do you have any idea how shitty it
feels to have raspberry jelly and powered sugar in your hair? Yuck.
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Tyler and I were taking advantage of Bobby s absence by curling up together on
the sofa in the living room. We were discussing our options for the upcoming contest as
our time was quickly running out.
 I don t suppose there s any way we could integrate Bobby into the contest?
Tyler was saying.  Not that it would do us any good anyway.
 No. That wouldn t work. It s you and me only. We re not allowed help.
 Help? Much as I hate to say it because you know I ve come to really care about
him, but Bobby s not help. He s pure hindrance at this point. Couldn t we explain
things to the Elders Council? Maybe get a delay?
 I suppose we could try, but I sincerely doubt they ll listen. They can be very
hard-assed about certain things. I sighed in frustration.  Shit. If only there was some
pattern to the way Bobby s powers misfire. If there was, we could maybe adjust for it,
but there s nothing. It s all completely random.
 I know. You just never know when& unnn, Tyler suddenly moaned, his body
tensing against mine.
 Tyler? You all right? He d pushed away from me and was sitting on the edge
of the sofa with his eyes closed tight.  Baby, what s wrong?
 Nothing, it s just& damn. Did it suddenly get hot in here?
 Nooo, I answered, completely puzzled. Watching Tyler closely I could see his
skin start to flush.  Are you getting hot?
 Umm. Yeah. Crap. Oh fuck. Alex, Tyler groaned.
 What, baby? Tell me what s wrong. Are you in pain?
 Not pain. I m& oh fuck& I m& 
 What, Tyler, what?
 You heard me. Son of a bitch. It feels like somebody s sucking my dick.
 Are you fucking kidding me?
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 Does this feel like I m kidding? Tyler grabbed my hand and brought it to his
crotch. He was rock hard. I could feel the thrum of his heartbeat in his cock even
through the fabric of his jeans.
 What the hell? Not that I object to you having a hard-on but I don t think this is
strictly voluntary, is it?
 No! You know we weren t doing anything but ohhh& shit. Bobby is.
 Bobby? Bobby and Kent? Tyler s nod was nearly frantic. He was rocking back
and forth now and breathing hard.  Can you shut him out?
 I don t know, Tyler gasped. His muscles were tense, his face screwed up in
concentration, and his eyes tightly closed.  I thought you said we weren t linked this
 It should be impossible, although the way Bobby s powers work I guess we
shouldn t be surprised. Tyler groaned again and I took his hands in mine.  Look at me,
baby. I pitched my voice so it was smooth and filled with authority. Tyler opened his
eyes. Their pansy blue color had darkened to cerulean and aubergine, rich dark hues
that surrounded the black of his expanded pupils.  I want you to calm down. I want
you to picture a wall between you and Bobby. Build it with me, Tyler. Brick by brick.
We can do it. He nodded and for a moment it seemed as though it was working until a
ripple of sensation shattered our growing wall. It was so strong I felt it myself.
 I can t! Oh God, Alex. It hurts, Tyler whimpered.
Hearing that pained cry tore at me. I knew then there was only one thing to do. I
reached for the buttons on Tyler s shirt and starting undoing them.
 What are you doing? he panted.
 If you can t beat  em, join  em. You re aroused. It hurts  cause we re trying to
shut it down. Since we can t, let s make love. Having Bobby along for the ride isn t the
most ideal of situations, but maybe if we concentrate on us it won t be such a big issue.
Nodding eagerly, Tyler wrapped his arms around my neck. His kiss was
awkward and flavored with desperation, but just the act of being in my arms seemed to
calm him and our usual finesse took over. Kissing this man is one of the greatest
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pleasures life offers. It can be anything from hot and dirty to sweet and reverent. Tyler
tastes better than the finest wine or the most decadent chocolate. His flavor is pure
ambrosia& sensual and nourishing. I ll never get enough of him.
Between kisses we peeled our clothes away. I bent and took his quivering cock in
my mouth, sucking the crystal drops of precum leaking from the tip. Tyler fell back [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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