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like to have fun.
 I do. Straining, Noel could just reach Toni s lips, and she
managed a quick kiss.  Does that surprise you?
 Yeah. A little. You re kinda quiet reserved.
 Not when you get to know me. I m wild, she said, giggling.
 Wanna see? She puckered up, closing her eyes tightly.
Toni sucked her lips into her mouth, making Noel snort and pull
away.  Ick! She wiped her mouth on Toni s shirt.  You slobbered
on me!
Unrepentant, Toni kissed her gently, then a little more
aggressively, then a lot more aggressively. By the time she came
up for air, Noel looked like she d been hit between the eyes.  You
change gears fast!
 You can have boring sex with anyone. See me for fun and
variety. She licked along the side of Noel s face, laughing when
The Legacy
Noel once again wiped her face and shivered with disgust.
 Were you raised by dogs? Stop licking me!
 Okay. But you re gonna have to beg me if you change your
 Do something productive with that pretty mouth. Be nice, she
soothed, stroking Toni s back.  Nice girl.
 Sometimes I get silly when I have sex. Can t help it. Sex makes
me happy.
 I think it makes me happy, too. But it s been so long&  She
rolled her eyes, finally looking at Toni and laughing.  You re making
me silly now.
 Maybe we re a little drunk.
 I m happy, not drunk. Having a sexy woman lie on top of me
makes me happy. Of course, I d be happier if she was making me
wet& other than my face, she hurried when she saw Toni start to
 Oh. Well, I guess I ll have to change my tactics. She shifted
around and settled in between Noel s legs.  Nice.
Noel slipped her arms around Toni s back and pulled her into a
long, leisurely kiss. When Toni lifted her head, she didn t say a word.
Her eyes were still shining, but now they shone with hunger. She
slid her hands into Noel s hair, fanning it out against the cushion.
Her arm reached out as far as it could, and she turned on a small
lamp.  I have to see you, she whispered. She went right back to her
serious study of Noel s mouth, pausing every few minutes to look at
her golden hair splayed out. She didn t comment again, but it was
clear she was taken by the long, shiny strands.
Noel was just as mesmerized by Toni s body, particularly her
lean, muscular back. As they kissed, she made a mess of Toni s
once neatly ironed shirt. Eventually she managed to tug it from
her shorts. Now she was able to let her hands wander all along the
swells and valleys of her shoulders. It didn t take long to unhook
Susan X Meagher
her bra, but Noel didn t reach for her breasts. She was content to
let Toni kiss her into a state of bliss while she slid her hands up and
down her body.
 Do you want to? Toni asked, breaking Noel s rapt
 Want to what?
 Go to bed. She smiled and placed a tender kiss on Noel s
forehead.  I asked you three times. I thought you d gone deaf.
 I could stay right here all night, Noel said dreamily.  You re a
very, very good kisser.
 I can do a few other things. Wanna see?
Noel returned her smile.  I guess I could be convinced. Toni
pushed herself up, almost falling when Noel tickled her exposed
 Come on, you little tease. She got to her feet and helped Noel
up. As they walked, Toni shed her bra by shaking her shoulders and
reaching into her shirt.  Did I do this? she asked, holding it up.
 I did. Noel leaned against her like she was tipsy.  I had to feel
your back without any encumbrances.
 After you. Toni let Noel pass and enter the bedroom. She turned
on a ceiling fan, opened two windows, and the air started to move
freely. Noel lay on the bed and watched Toni unselfconsciously
undress. She stared right at Noel, slowly unbuttoned her shirt and
dropped it to the floor. Her breasts stood high on her chest, nipples
erect. With her eyes still locked onto Noel, she casually undid the
button on her shorts, then lowered the zipper.
Noel s eyes widened and she sat up when Toni let the shorts
pool around her feet.  Where are your panties?
Showing her teeth, Toni said,  Too hot out. I had to allow for
a breeze.
 Come here, you naughty girl. Noel held her hands out and
twitched her fingers.  Come on.
The Legacy
Toni leapt for the bed, making the metal frame shriek when she
hit it with her full weight.  Here I am, she said, smiling happily.
 And you re naked. That s just how I like my women.
 Wanna look at my scars now?
 Later. Much later. Noel started to unbutton her own shirt, but [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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