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off. Not at Heidi, but at Nick. Nick would be the lowest of the low if he slept with
Heidi. She didn t understand it, but she was instantly annoyed with Nick and wanted to
tell him so.
Heidi pulled her back to the present.  So are you okay with me hooking up with
Laney forced a smile on her face.  Help yourself.
Heidi s grin broadened. She leaned back into her seat.  Fabulous! Oh & for
your information, you can screw Coop if you want. I don t mind. He s a lot of fun, plus
I know he has eyes for you.
 Really? Her voice sounded foreign even to her own ears. She didn t care how
Cooper felt about her. Right now she was consumed with thoughts of Nick and Heidi.
Heidi tossed a silky lock over her shoulder.  You know, Laney, this is really a
perfect arrangement. We can both get off with great looking guys. If things go well
between you and Coop, maybe we can all join each other sometime. I haven t swung in
months. She placed her hand on Laney s.  I know you and I could have a lot of fun
Laney stilled. This conversation was too much for her.  I forgot my camera in
the other room. She slid her hand away from Heidi.  I ll see you later, she said
hurriedly over her shoulder as she left the room.
She went to the dressing room, quickly changed into her clothes and jogged back
to the cabin. With the door closed firmly behind her, she leaned against it for support.
Taking several breaths, she tried to calm herself. Not only was she angry with Nick, she
was outright humiliated by Heidi s words. What on earth gave her the idea that she
would be part of a foursome? Was Nick into that? Is that why she had assumed Laney
would be? Had Heidi heard rumors that Nick was that daring with sex?
It unnerved her to know Nick would be into that sort of thing. What would she do
if Nick propositioned her? She could feel herself turning red. She pressed her hand
against her cheeks. They felt like they were burning. She would kill him first and then
curse him out. No, she would curse him and then kill him. She groaned. What was the
difference? If Nick was into swinging, she had no control over that. If she were asked
again, she would have to assert herself. Not even those pretty baby blues Nick possessed
could convince her otherwise & at least she hoped so.
She needed a nap. Perhaps that would calm her jittery nerves. She desperately
needed to cool down, shake off the image of Heidi and Nick sleeping together and be an
adult about the situation. Yes, she would take a nap. It was the only thing that would
keep her emotions at bay.
LOVE SCRIPT Tiffany Ashley 55
Chapter Seven
After a quick stop at the jewelry shop, Nick was finally able to make his way back
to their stateroom. The last few hours with Zelman and Cooper hadn t gone very well.
In fact, it had been miserable. He and Cooper had argued throughout the entire game
about which play their team should execute. Both of them were natural leaders,
therefore, each refused to take orders from the other. So they argued nonstop while
Zelman cheated shamelessly in their favor.
After the football debacle, Nick was ready to retreat to his room to cool off but
Zelman got the bright idea to go to the batting cages. Although he had been there earlier
with Nick, Cooper eagerly agreed to join him, so Nick had no choice but to follow the
group if only to make sure Cooper didn t gain an edge over him. Their time at the cages
was no less competitive.
Cooper and Nick avoided saying much to each other, which left Zelman free to
ramble on about various topics. That was the more informative part of his day. It gave
Nick a more personal look into Zelman s life, something he had not been privy to before.
When they finally separated, Nick was thrilled by the insight he had gained on Zelman.
Now he had to figure out a way to use that information to get Sinclair Corp in Zelman s
Walking down the long corridor to his room, Nick wondered how he would
handle their anniversary dinner tonight. Hiding out in their room until dinner wasn t his
first choice. He needed to be around Zelman every chance he got. However, he was
supposed to be on a romantic vacation with his wife. Sooner or later he would have to
make  quality time with Laney. He would have to consider the matter at length, and he
couldn t let Cooper seize the window of opportunity from him. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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