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give the mark, and he hadn t had the chance to give it to him. So it
left the question, who gave him the tattoo?
 Van did, Trevor said, like it was no big deal.  Looks pretty cool
on me, doesn t it? He fingered that tattoo, oblivious to Klaus s
Trevor took a step back from him.  Yeah, you know, Astrid s
grandfather. He arrived a little bit ago, but he didn t want to disturb
you, so he s been hanging out with us. And let me just say that is one
hot man. Trevor pulled at his shirt, fanning himself.  I think I m
going to love this whole immortal, never-aging thing.
He was left speechless. How could he respond to news like that?
 Well, I m off. Quinn wants to go for a run. With that, Trevor
jogged down the hallway toward the stairs.
 My grandfather s here?
Astrid stood in the doorway, skin so pale it appeared blue. If he
was shocked, Astrid must have been doubly so. In the matter of just a
few days he met his biological father, paternal grandmother, and now
his grandfather.
 I guess so. He combed his fingers through his hair, irritated that
everything was happening at once. He had known Van for years and
never had any issues with the man, but after what his wife and son
had done, he wasn t taking any chances with Astrid s safety.  You
don t have to meet with him if you don t want to.
Astrid nodded as he stared off into space. His eyes were dull as if
he d left his body. Then he jerked his head toward Klaus.  No, I want
to meet him, but will you come with me?
198 AJ Jarrett
 Of course I will. Where you go, I go. He entwined his fingers
with Astrid s and headed down the stairs. Astrid squeezed his hand so
tight he started to lose feeling in his fingers. When they reached the
bottom step, he could hear Ben and Benedict talking to someone. A
voice Klaus recognized.
The short walk seemed like miles away. He shortened his stride to
match Astrid s, taking his time getting to the room. When they
reached the entryway, Van was facing away from them, and Astrid
just stood there silently observing his grandfather. Ben noticed them
first and stopped talking. At the sudden silence, Van turned to look at
them. He gave Astrid s hand a reassuring squeeze, letting him know
he wasn t alone.
* * * *
He eyed the man up and down subtly. Van didn t look evil, but
neither had Ivan. The resemblance between the two men was
uncanny. Ivan definitely got his golden locks, height, and sturdy build
from his father, the wholesome image every person strides for and
found attractive, but behind the handsome appearance could very well
lay a monster. The old saying  like father like son reverberated in his
But as the man stared back at him, Astrid didn t see the hate and
lunacy his father and grandmother had shrouding their eyes. What he
saw was a man whose face creased with stress and, if he wasn t
mistaken, a dose of sadness. But for who? Him, the loss of his son, or
 Klaus, Astrid, Benedict greeted them at the door.  I m glad to
see you both finally up and moving. He waved his hand out in front
of them, inviting them into the room.
He looked up at Klaus, who nodded. Taking that as a sign that his
mate wasn t worried, he followed Benedict into the room, taking a
seat on the couch. He watched as Van timidly took the seat across
Astrid s Wish 199
from them. It surprised him to see this older man, his grandfather,
seem so unsure of himself. His actions were in stark contraction to his
son s and wife s, who, when they walked into a room, owned it and
frightened others with the power they wielded.
 We ll give you three some privacy, Ben said as he shut the door
behind him and Benedict.
After a long stretch of silence, Van broke the ice.  Hello, Astrid.
He didn t know if he could answer. What if Van tricked him and
just ended up being like the rest, letting him down if he gave him the
chance? Astrid just didn t know if he could take any more heartache.
 Hi, he whispered. Klaus shifted closer to him, giving him
strength with his presence.
 God, I don t know what to say. Van laughed nervously. Astrid
glanced up to see his grandfather fisting his hair in his hands. The
man looked like he was fighting an internal battle within himself.  I
didn t know, I swear I didn t know. If I knew I had a grandson out in
the world, I would have looked for you.
His breath caught at the raw emotion coming off Van. He felt the
strange urge to go to him, to comfort him. But he held back at the last
minute. This could just be an act.
 How did you not know what was going on in your own home?
How could you live with such evil and not see it? Klaus asked.
 I m not perfect. I loved them even when I knew they no longer
cared for me. Van s head fell forward, and his shoulders slumped.
 But no matter what, I couldn t stop loving them. Tears streaked his
reddened face.  They were all I had.
Van wiped his eyes and straightened in his chair.  I realized this
went way beyond them just being unhappy with the laws put upon
them. They started sneaking off together and being more withdrawn
than usual. Every time they looked at me, I could see the loathing in
their eyes. I stood for everything they hated. I couldn t control them
like I thought I could, so I turned to my fellow council members for
200 AJ Jarrett
assistance. But I never imagined it would be something like this. Van
spread his arms out to his sides.
Astrid heard his words, but he resented that anyone could have
ever loved such malevolent individuals. To stand by and say nothing
for hundreds of years while they ran rampant, spewing their hate for
humans and other paranormals they considered beneath them, was
 I m not a thing, I m a person. A person who your wife and son
sent to live with vile men who stole my innocence, he cried out. It
wasn t fair to blame Van, but someone had to be held accountable for
what his family had done.
 I know you re not a thing. Van fell to his knees in front of him.
Klaus put his hand up to stop Van from touching him, but at Astrid s
nod, he pulled his arm back. Van wrapped his long, warm fingers
around Astrid s.  Of all the bad things they ve done, they did do one
great thing.
 What is that? Astrid asked as he shook his head. He didn t
 They gave me you. Van s voice clogged with unshed tears. As
he began to sob, he buried his face in Astrid s lap.
His eyes started to burn, and the dam holding his own tears back
started to crumble. Van seemed sincere, no maliciousness in his tone
or actions. It seemed he wasn t the only one living in a hell created by
Ivan and Constance.
Very carefully, he pulled one hand free and rested it on the back
of Van s neck. He let Van cry, not wanting to interrupt. He had years
of heartache and disappointment to let go of, and the least Astrid
could do was give him a chance. He owed it to himself to get to know
his grandfather.
 And they gave me you. He, like Astrid, had been deceived by
those who were supposed to love him.  If you want, we can be a
family, he suggested as he held Van s hand and reached for Klaus s.
Astrid s Wish 201
A smiled pulled up the corners of Van s mouth, and he nodded his
head. Tears fell from his eyes as he smiled back.  Yes, I would very
much like that.
Over the next few minutes, hours, and days, he got to know his
grandfather. The more time he spent with the man, the more he grew
to love him. Van was nothing like the other members in their family.
He was intelligent, caring, and above all else, kind. The belief that
witches were the more superior beings of all paranormals didn t sit
well with Van. He believed everyone to be created equal and that a [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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