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quickly. They each shook his hand in turn, but the jackal
shifter just took a step back and bared his neck in
submission. Normally all that would be required from a
visiting submissive shifter would be a simple head tilt, but
the jackal was almost bent backwards and the scent of fear
coming off him made Remy's wolf angry. To be this afraid
and offer that much submission meant the jackal had been
abused by someone dominant.
The Elder vampires stepped forward, misinterpreting his
growl for a move of aggression. Remy stepped around them
and moved forward until he was in front of the terrified
jackal shifter. Very slowly, he touched his hand to the man's
neck to show he accepted the submission, then backed up
until he was back by his mate.
"My mate has told me you might be able to help us
remedy the problem of the smoke we've been inhaling,
Jake," Remy said, hoping to break the tension.
"Yes, sir," Jake answered in a quiet voice as he stood up
straight and the scent of fear decreased. The vampires
visibly relaxed.
"Well then, I would like to get started as soon as possible.
Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help or if
you want anything." He saw Jake shuffling and wondered if
maybe he could make it a bit easier on the young-looking
shifter. "Or if you would be more comfortable, you could tell
my mate," he offered.
SA Welsh
Skylar put an arm around him and Remy smelled his
mate's pleasure at being included.
"It's okay, Jake. Remy is my Mon âme soeur sang."
Jake's eyes widened almost comically. But the most
surprising reaction came from the Elder vampires. "Skylar, is
this true?"
His mate grinned and nodded enthusiastically. "I knew
the minute I tasted him. He healed me. He completes me,"
Skylar said like it was the simplest thing in the world.
Remy's wolf barely contained his excitement. As it was, he
had to subtly bend his leg and stand with his hands in his
pockets to hide the hard-on growing behind his jeans. His
brothers and sisters snickered behind him and he discretely
flipped them off behind his back.
"How? No true matches have been found for far too long."
"I don t know how, Dimitri. That s another reason why
we wanted to meet "
Dimitri shot a look towards him. "We?"
"Yes, we. Remy has offered to help any way he can. My
wolf is very dedicated to pack and family. And I told him
my coven is mine," Skylar explained, sounding proud. The
look on his face let Remy know his mate was telling the
vampires to play nice.
One of the other two vampires recovered from the veiled
chastisement. "How& nice of him. I'm afraid we seem to
have forgotten our manners in the journey here. I am Lavi,
and this to my left is Van. Thank you for your generosity
and hospitality," Lavi said smoothly, with a flourish of his
hand and a little bow.
Strange. Polite& but strange. "You're welcome."
He noticed Jake smile before the shifter hid behind his
long black hair. There was something he was missing here.
But what? The names, maybe?
"Is Lavi and Van short for something?"
Blind Under the Moon
Skylar quickly looked away from him and he heard the
smothered snort and scented the vampires' amusement. "A
story for another time." Lavi dodged the question skillfully.
Remy's need to know just about quadrupled, but he
forced himself not to nag for an answer. He wasn t some
damn cat who would obsess about not knowing. Nope. No
Damn, he really wanted to know.
Skylar laughed. Dammit, he'd been caught out.
"I'll tell you later," Skylar whispered in his ear.
Jake seemed like he was going to say something, but then
looked past him, saw his siblings, and closed his mouth,
looking like he wanted to blend into the background. "The
wolves behind me are my brothers and sisters. Micah, Asher,
Zeke, Sage, Saffron and Rosemary," he rattled off, turning to
point to each sibling in turn.
"Are you really going to let other shifters join your pack?"
The question was so quiet Remy almost didn t hear it. He
would ask how Jake had heard about it, but he guessed the
shifter had heard along the grape vine.
Remy had a feeling the shifter was feeling him out.
Jackals weren t known for their great pack drive. But
submissive shifters in general usually preferred to be in a
pack structure. He couldn t imagine the vampires satisfying
the animals need to be with others when they ran free. "Yes,
I am. I want a strong pack, but I won't turn away anyone
without good reason."
The jackal nodded and Remy knew the man was filing the
bit of information away. He wasn t certain the little jackal
was going to work up the courage to ask to join his pack, but
his wolf wouldn t be surprised if they were running with a
jackal on the next pack run.
"I don t mean to break up the scintillating conversation,
but can we get back to the fact that Skylar has found his one
SA Welsh
and only when no other has for decades?" This came from
Van looked peeved, but all the same turned to Skylar and
his expression softened. "Do you know why? Were you able
to find out anything before the previous alpha captured
Skylar sent him a concerned look when he growled
dangerously. The memory of his mate chained to the table,
bloody and broken was still far too fresh and was probably
why his wolf was so close to the surface and was growling at
every little thing. "I was tracking rumors that said the alpha [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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