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String 3 spacers, 1 amethyst 6mm bicone, 1 carnelian rondelle, 1 ver- rondelle, 1 amethyst 6mm bicone, 1 carnelian rondelle, 3 spacers,
meil rondelle, 1 indicolite cube, 1 vermeil rondelle, 1 carnelian ron- 1 fuchsia 4mm round, 1 citrine rondelle, and 15A.
delle, 1 amethyst 6mm bicone, 3 spacers, and 25A. String 2 spacers, 1 carnelian rondelle, 2 spacers, and 15B.
String 1 fuchsia 4mm round, 2 spacers, 1 citrine oval, 2 spacers, 1 fuch- String 1 pearl, 1 spacer, 1 amethyst 4mm bicone, 1 bead cap, 1 indi-
sia 4mm round, and 25A. colite 8mm round, 1 carnelian rondelle, 2 spacers, 1 citrine 10mm ron-
String 1 amethyst 4mm bicone, 1 citrine rondelle, 1 bead cap, 1 indi- delle, 2 spacers, 1 fuchsia 8mm bicone, 1 bead cap, 1 spacer, 1 crimp
colite 8mm round, 1 bead cap, 1 citrine rondelle, 1 amethyst 4mm tube, and 1 cone.
bicone, and 25B. Pass through the center of the second fringe and back through the crimp
String 1 spacer, 1 carnelian rondelle, 1 fuchsia 6mm bicone, 1 rondelle, tube; snug the beads and crimp, allowing a little space between the
1 spacer, and 25B. beads for a flexible lariat.
String 1 citrine oval, 1 spacer, 1 indicolite 4mm bicone, 2 spacers,
1 carnelian rondelle, 1 amethyst cube, 1 carnelian rondelle, 2 spacers, Viki Lareau is co-owner of The Bead Factory in Tacoma, Washington, and producer of
1 indicolite 4mm bicone, 1 spacer, 1 citrine oval, and 25A. The Puget Sound Bead Festival, an annual trade show now in its eleventh year. Viki also
String 1 carnelian rondelle, 1 spacer, 1 fuchsia 6mm bicone, 1 spacer, teaches jewelry-business classes at trade shows across the country and does private
1 amethyst 4mm bicone, 1 vermeil round, 1 amethyst 4mm bicone, business consulting for many jewelry designers.
1 spacer, 1 fuchsia 6mm bicone, 1 spacer, 1 carnelian rondelle, and 25A.
String 3 spacers, 1 indicolite cube, 3 spacers, and 25B. RESOURCES
String 1 amethyst 4mm bicone, 3 spacers, 1 carnelian rondelle, 1 spacer, All materials: Check your local bead shop or contact The Bead Factory, (888) 500-BEAD,
1 citrine rondelle, 1 spacer, 1 carnelian rondelle, 3 spacers, 1 amethyst www.thebeadfactory.com.
4mm bicone, and 25B.
www.beadworkmagazine.com BEADWORK online
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