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they  heal by themselves. Everyone has to try it and
everyone will get their own results. Even if we cannot explain
something, it does not necessarily mean that it doesn t exist.
Arkadiy Levinski, M.D.
Dear Pyramid of Life Inc! I would like to share my
impressions after using pyramid matrices, of which I learned
from an ad in a newspaper. I obtained more detailed
information after a phone conversation with the company s
president, Edward Gorouvein. One of my relatives and
several of my patients, suffering from unbearable joint pains,
who had tried various healing methods (physiotherapy,
acupuncture, massages, injections), acquired pyramid
matrices. After one month their pain diminished so much, that
they were able to move without canes or wheelchairs. The
results became more apparent after 1-2 weeks. The matrices
were especially effective when used in pairs  one on
opposite sides. Some strange and unexplainable (at least, to
me) phenomenon was taking place. This phenomenon
deserves special attention and further research and
dissemination, which will help shed light on a new discipline
in science and medicine, in particular, helping people fight
various illnesses, sometimes even avoiding surgical
operations. Best regards,
I m dealing with a powerful form of electromagnetic
pollution. I ve tried various types of devices for protection
against electromagnetic radiation. Your products are
completely harmless, compact, convenient and, what s more
important, very effective.
Tadeush M., Montreal
After many years working as a truck driver I started
having back problems. I thought of quitting my job. I tried
matrices and to my surprise they helped. A few months later I
bought a mini pyramid. Now I have my own business, which
has been my dream for years.
M.K., Tel-Aviv
& got rid of many women s problems. These things
(matrixes) are really a miracle. M.K., Tel-Aviv
Vera, Milwaukee
After working for 8 hours daily in front of a computer my
son started getting headaches, his vision got worse. It took me
a long time to convince him to place pyramid matrix on his
computer. Finally a tremendous relief came. Now we are all
using pyramids and matrices.
Karl, Czech Republic
In the past I was a professional athlete, a volleyball
player. After tearing my Achilles tendon, I was forced to quit
sports. But my injured leg was always bothering me,
especially at nights. A few days after I started using pyramid
the pain had diminished. It s been six months and the pain in
my foot is gone. My sleep has normalized. Thanks to all the
pyramid creators.
Dr. Oleg Grube
The matrix helped me get rid of intestines inflammation.
Elena, Toronto
Thank you for the pyramid and the matrix. I learned
about incredible properties of the pyramid from newspapers.
And I was glad to know that many people believed in healing
abilities of the pyramids and helped tell the rest of the world
about them. And now about my own experience. My
organism has many deviations: bronchitis, anemia, gastritis,
pielonephrit, colitis, and arthritic rheumatism. And for the
past 5 years my lower back problems have worsened as well.
Apparently the vertebrae have shifted. It was awful - I am an
independent person my nature, but I had to rely on someone
else even to go to the washroom. I started having chest pains,
but wasn t looking for any remedies. But when matrices
showed up, it all changed.
After a couple of months I was able to do simple
exercises without anyone else s help, I started taking morning
walks, did some tai-chi, then signed up for yoga class. Any
physical exercises I tried before were deplorable. The first
time I put a matrix on, I could not keep it on for more than
two hours. Chest pain had increased. I could tolerate it, but I
was afraid. Decided to do it gradually. Then put it on after a
few hours and took off already 6 hours later. Then night came
and I slept better. After a week and a half the chest pain went
away. I was changing matrix placement all the time: chest
during the day, kidneys during the night, lower back in the
day and heart for the night.
The sensations varied. In the beginning I was feeling light
prickling in the areas of matrices. After an hour I was
beginning to feel a growing power as if it concentrated in the
sore spot. The result was so incredible, that after one week I
wanted to place matrices all over my poor body. I would like
to say that pyramids and matrices not only correct deviations,
but also increase the overall vitality of the organism. Of
course, they are not a universal panacea, but they help
organism to tune onto the Universal wave of harmony and
help us live and work in unison with the cosmic energy. In
our house everyone wears a matrix. My mother is 71 and she
has many illnesses, mostly problems with heart, kidneys, and
varicose veins, etc. She has not taken a matrix off in more
than a month and she feels great. We charge water under our
pyramid and everyone drinks this water and uses it to make
coffee and tea.
I also wash myself with the pyramid water. People, who
have not seen me in a few months, ask me if I just came back
from a vacation or if I started using new cosmetics. They say
I look younger. And I can see for myself that the color of my
face and the skin texture has improved. Since I put two
matrices under my sons pillows, they stopped complaining
about bad dreams and restless nights. Actually, since matrices
and the pyramid in our family, some changes took place. I
live with my two children, my husband and my mother.
Everyone has attitude, and we had enough nervous
breakdowns. And now it s peace and quiet. Everything is
discussed in a calm atmosphere. I want to say thank you for
your help. I hope the others, who know, are also grateful.
M. Damien, Registered Nutritional Consultant,
Professional Kinesiology Practitioner
Golden Section Pyramids harmonize energy fields around
them. With the help of muscle test (kinesiology), we can
measure a relative level of the pyramid energy field. By the
exponentially increasing scale of 1 to 1000, where death is 1,
love is 500, peace is 600, and full enlightenment or God s
energy is 1000 (see  Power vs. Force book by David R.
Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.), ceramic pyramid was measured with
a level of 599, and crystal pyramid with a level of 520. Even
within a 3-meter radius the ceramic pyramid was measured [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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