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have been spoiled by the have your way with me kind of woman that some
know how it all ends when they meet the average female. Elevate his
What if you ve been dating for a while but he hasn t committed to anything
more serious? Don t nag him about it - don t even bring it up. Stop dating
him. How many times do we hear about men who don t commit? He
doesn t want anything more from you than what you re giving him. You re
not that important and if you re being That Kind of Woman, he ll definitely
feel that he s set.
Don t ever negotiate with a man to want you more. Just get the heck out of
his life and out of his space. We ve grown up reading and watching fairy
tales where the maiden was courted and wooed by her love interest until he
finally proved himself to her that he was worthy of her love, and she fell
absolutely madly in love with him. There was an art to the exchange. He
goes to the ends of the world because he is to have her. He is determined
to win the heart of the maiden and does whatever it takes to make it happen.
When he has been courageous, he gets the prize his fair maiden.
People treat trash differently than they treat a trophy. A trophy is something
that you have to sweat for; trash on the other hand is something to be
disposed of. A man will treat you like a prize, will hold you and never want
to let you go if he had to go through hell to get you. If you sleep with a man
before he marries you, then you may be setting yourself up to be treated like
trash. We naturally value the things we have to work hard for.
Analyze your relationship history with men. Be honest about how you were
treated. Did the relationship end with you thinking that these men were
jerks? Could it be that these men had an underlying disrespect for you
because you made it easy for them to relate to you this way?
How about now, are you in a relationship that is not working for you and
you re wondering why? Do you want the roses, the candlelight dinners, the
long walks, and the surprise jewelry? Do you want your man to adore you
and tell the world how lucky he is to have you? Are you constantly saying,
He s not romantic? He won t be romantic because you re still focusing on
him and you re trying to make it happen. You haven t given him any work.
Get the heck out of the house, go shopping for an outfit that rocks your body
and tell him you re going away for a few days without him. Book a trip to
some place, any place. Do it now. Oh, don t call or answer your cell phone
while you re away.
Here are a few one liners that you could tell him:
If you re going away by yourself: Honey, I m going out of town for a few
I m not quite sure where to. I m still looking into some options.
If you re going away with friends: Honey, I m going away with some
friends for a few days. We haven t firmed up our plans yet. We re still
looking into some options.
Whether with friends or alone, remain vague and you ll keep him on his
toes. When you have decided upon your destination and where you ll be
staying, only give the necessary info. I m going away to XYZ and I will be
staying at the Heights Hotel.
You d be surprise how quick you get attention when you give yourself some.
If you re-orientate your partner s mind and wake him out of being lulled to
sleep then he ll have a reason to do something different. Keep nagging and
he ll retreat into an angry, self-centered blob who hates the fact that he really
did end up with an overbearing grunt. Shut up, take action and he ll watch
and learn.
Here are some more tips: Get really moody by getting a new hairdo, wear a
different shade of lipstick/gloss/blush/eye shadow, wear a new perfume, get
your nails done or wear a different nail polish. All should compliment your
age and skin tone. Every time you go anywhere, first dress so that you feel
like a Woman (Caution: avoid looking like a porn star, throw out the baggy
clothes and the jeans that make your butt sag).
Second, instead of wanting your man to give you attention, give yourself
some real good attention by telling him that you re going out for the
evening(Tip: make sure you look like you re going to the Emmy s). If
you ve been dating for a while, wait until he wants to go out with you, then
batter up. Say, Darn, I would love to go out tonight but I ve already made
plans with some friends.
Third, if he asks where you are going and who with, let him know you
haven t decided but you were going to meet up with some friends and go
from there (Wisdom: be mysterious and very vague).
And last but not least: Don t answer any wireless mobile devices if it s him
who s calling. For goodness sakes put the phone on silent. Repeat the
above once every couple of weeks without nagging and you ll see what
happens. This is called, Man Training101. He ll be annoyed thinking,
Oh, where is she going NOW? Your response: Just out with friends Hon,
I thought you wanted to watch the game.
When you return, he ll probably want to know where you went and with
whom. Be sure to light up and answer: I was out with some friends and we
had a great time. [YAWN] Honey, I m extremely exhausted so if you don t
mind, I m going to have an early night. Goodnight.
That s it. Remain sweet and don t let him pull any more information out of
you. Ok, as you retreat to your warm cozy bed, be sure to have your Hottie
smile on perfectly written on your angel face.
Chapter 33 Banish That Kind of Woman and awaken to Queen
If you have accommodated being That Kind of Woman, now s the time to do
something really dangerous and extremely time sensitive. If you are
presently attached and you re not getting the sort of attention that you re
wanting from your man, it s time to make an extreme adjustment.
You need to go way back, all the way to what it means to be you. Love
yourself unconditionally and seek your purpose. Pursue your goals and
dreams. If you don t know who you are and what you are created for, then
any man can define that for you. Begin by being honest and do some soul
Next you need to take a good hard look at your past and/or present
relationships. More than likely there has been a pattern. Observe how your
relationships usually begin/end:
" Do you usually initiate relationships with men?
" When you start to date, do you see him everyday?
" Are you the other woman or a friend with benefits?
" Do you end up calling to make a date?
" Do you call regularly (i.e. are you the dependable doormat?)
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