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He stopped and stared down at her, his face still and stoic like stone.
You hear this from your own people?
She nodded. Many servants have masters that talk openly in their
Yes, too many, obviously.
Is it true? She squeezed his arm to implore an answer. Will my
people be soon marching to their deaths?
Sorin gazed down at her. She felt like he was memorizing her every
feature. He brought a finger up to her face and traced it over her cheek.
He caught a stray length of her hair between his fingers and tucked it
behind her ear.
Do not worry about things that have not come to pass.
But I must, if to warn my own.
He cradled her cheek in his hand. Instead of the cool touch she had
come to expect, his skin was warm and inviting.
Of the Moon 43
Their warning will not change the events.
She knew he was right. The knowing of it would not change the
outcome. Her people would march to their doom regardless. They had no
way of revolting, not when the Draconians could slice them in half with a
flick of their wrists.
He dropped his hand and they continued their walk around the
garden. Alexandreina felt surprisingly comfortable with Sorin. She had
the notion that he felt something for her. More than lust, more than
hunger perhaps. Possibly, he felt a connection with her. A connection to
something he desperately yearned for. Humanity.
Tell me more of Emil. Did you speak with him?
Yes, often. I would take my meal with him in his cell. He was an
intelligent being. I learned many things from him. About your people,
your culture. We shared many stories about each other and our ways.
He smiled wistfully. I learned to laugh in those three sun-turns. He
looked up into the brilliant blue sky, squinting against the glare of the
How did he die?
One beautiful, sunny day, much like this one, he escaped from his
cell. He made it to the keep walls before he was ambushed. He managed
to injure a couple of guards before they overpowered him. He stared off
toward the far stone walls as if reliving the event. Lord Rica beheaded
him in the city square that day. His head remained on a stake in the
center of the square for a sun-turn to remind the people of the
consequences of rebellion.
Alexandreina stopped by a nearby stone bench. She lowered herself
onto it. Tears ran from her eyes, dripping off her chin.
Sorin sat beside her without touching. I have made you sad.
No. It s just I ve no real knowledge of him or my grandmother. Only
vague memories of my mother telling me some bedtime stories. I have
nothing of them to remember.
44 Vivi Anna
Sorin took her hand in his. He brought it up to her chest, turned it
and pressed it against her heart.
They are here, and in the blood that pumps through your veins. I see
many things in you that were in Emil. Your eyes speak to me in the same
Alexandreina stared up at him. She did not understand this man.
She could see the concern on his face. The concern for her well-being.
Were those of the Moon Clan really that different? Or was it just him? A
Draconian born with benevolence.
She pulled her hand out from his and set it in her lap. She could feel
it itch from his heated touch. Thank you for telling me about Emil. It
has given me a little more sense of myself.
Sorin stood and bowed his head to her. You will dine with me this
It is Lord Rica s joining this eve.
He sighed. Oh yes, his joining. He rubbed a hand over his face and
smiled. Then you will be my mate for the Dragoste?
Alexandreina was taken aback. She remembered the ritual dance
from Rica s last joining. As a little girl of ten hanging onto her mother s
hand tightly as the ritual started, she had been shocked and enthralled
at the seductive dance the Draconian s engaged in. She thought it was
the closest thing to love that she had ever seen them express.
You can choose your mate?
Yes, it is my right.
Valerica has her eye for you. Lord Rica would be very pleased at that
I am sure. It would be a very advantageous pairing, but my eye is for
you, Lady Alexandreina.
He bowed and turned on his booted heel. She watched as he strolled
down the path and back into the castle keep. Conflicted emotions swam
in her head and washed over her body as he disappeared from sight. She
Of the Moon 45
wanted to despise him for who he was. A Draconian Master. However,
she could not. He was surprisingly warm and interesting to talk to. He
had shared more with her than any Draconian before. She found, to her
surprise, that she was beginning to like him.
Her body, on the other hand, reacted to him on a purely sexual level.
She could not stop the ache in her sex when he was near. She
remembered all too well the glorious way he had serviced her. Her body
ached for another opportunity to experience those sensations again. It
was like a drug. She now knew why some Roma servants were eager to
please their blood-masters. The promise of such a thing was addicting.
Alexandreina sighed and glanced around the gardens. The sun was
setting, and it would be time to go in and start her preparations for Lord
Rica s ceremony. She startled back when she noticed that Priestess Cami
sat on the edge of the fountain where she had been sitting before. The
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