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have been reading for an hour, and I close my eyes, I will usually fall asleep. I can tell how
likely this is to happen to me. So although I had started to move, I decided to open my eyes,
and I saw that I was again in the same place.
I thought of another way: if I could change my vision to purely astral vision I should be
okay, I thought. So I lifted my arms out in front of me, and I tried to see clairvoyantly....I
looked at my arms, not astrally, but clairvoyantly, as if trying to see a spirit from the
physical world. My arms were transparent when I looked at them that way. They looked like
transparent, dark black filmy shadows. I studied them for a while, then blacked out.
This time I woke up separate from my body, but inside it. I was surprised at that, and was
very happy to still be out of the body. I seemed to be freer now than before. I walked over to
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the north wall of my bedroom after sitting up, without even noticing the physical things in
my way--my stereo cabinet, and my computer terminal and cabinet. I planned to go outside
through the wall and then fly to LD's house.
I bent forward and stuck my head through the wall. I was looking outside. It was lightly
raining, but it was hardly noticeable. Every previous attempt at walking through that wall
had not worked, so I tried something different--keeping my head outside, I jumped up in the
air, and did a somersault through the wall, and landed outside on my feet. I was free!
I walked to the back yard. I was preparing to fly, but I wanted a clear flying path. The ash
tree was once again in my way. I walked near it, and then I jumped up and flew to one of its
limbs. I was perched on an ash tree limb. I saw the apple tree next door, and some other
trees. I thought, "How stupid of me to try to go through the tree. There are just more trees. I
could have just walked to our alley and taken off there." But now I was up in a tree! I looked
down. It was a long fall. I was afraid of jumping from that height! I considered the
possibility of flying to the apple tree. I was just about to try it, but then I blacked out once
I was unconscious for a little while--maybe 15 to 30 seconds. Then I woke up again. I was
still out of my body! This one was not unlike the first two. I was curious about that
clairvoyant vision again. I held up my arms again, and I studied them carefully with
clairvoyant vision. I was able to alter my vision. I could change my vision so that I could
totally see my astral hands as solid, not transparent, but I had to focus on them intently [to
see them this way]. I experimented with that clairvoyant sight for a while, then I lost
consciousness again.
I was unconscious again for a short time, and I woke up once more out of my body! I was
free again, and I rejoiced! I went over to the north wall again. I bent over and did another
somersault to get outside. I got a brilliant idea then: "I'll call for help from guides!"
No sooner had I done this when I felt the presence of a very advanced, great being. I
couldn't see him, but I felt he had a very large aura. I figured that I couldn't see him because
his vibrations were much higher than mine.
He called mentally and two of his spirit-friends came. These two friends, I felt, were less
developed [than the master whose presence I felt]. They were servants of that powerful
being. They weren't bound to him, but they always did what he asked, because serving him
was their way to advance themselves spiritually. He told his friends exactly what to do. I
didn't hear them exactly, but I could tell he instructed them to accompany me to LD's house.
The two friends were normal-looking spirits that were my own size. And I could see them
all right. They were very friendly to me, and we became friends right away. These two
spirits were average-looking men. One had brown hair, and the other had slightly lighter
colored sandy brown hair. They were happy, and they were good friends. The "master" spirit
left. Unfortunately I blacked out.
When I woke up again, I was still out-of-body. The three of us were walking East on
Larpendeur Avenue, toward Snelling Avenue. The two friends were talking. I tried to
memorize pieces of evidence that I could look for later, to prove the experience was "real,"
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but I forgot them all....
After we walked for a little while, I suddenly felt a pain. I felt sick to my stomach and weak.
I had to an urge to go back to my body. I didn't want to fight the feeling. I knew I had to get
back to that body. I stopped them, and I said I was sorry, but I had to get back to my body.
They were very understanding about the whole thing. One said, "Sure thing. Take it easy,
okay?" So we exchanged our goodbyes.
I faced east and closed my eyes. There was no lapse of consciousness; I saw complete
blackness for a little while. I woke up out of my body again! I got up and thought, "How
strange! Why did we bother walking--why didn't we just fly [to LD's]? This time I should [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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